the power of my thoughts

It matters a great deal the thoughts that dominate your mind. your thoughts determine the quality of your life and can really make or mar you. The reason your thoughts are so important is because what goes through your mouth will ultimately come out of your mouth. Your words and actions are a function of your thinking.

if you think right, you will talk right and you will certainly live right. What you let into your mind, shows up in your life ultimately. God’s Word is the right material to guide your thoughts with. This is much more than positive thinking, His Words give life as it occupies my thought processes, morning, noon and night.

My thoughts are filled with God’s Words, therefore, my words are seasoned with grace and continually minister life to others. I diligently guard my heart, and i think the right thoughts in the name of Jesus.I refuse to think sickness, I refuse to think weakness, I think strength and health. Daily I move from glory to glory, and strength to strength.

My body has been infused with divine energy, because the Spirit of God dwells in me. No sickness can stay in my body. No disease can fasten itself on me. I have a disease-destroying force at work in me.

I speak the right words. My words not only minister to me, but they also minister life to those around me. I dwell in Zion; therefore I will nit say I am sick. These Words are my meditation, therefore they continually proceed from my mouth. Thank you Lord Jesus, I reign over sickness and diseases. I reign in this Life as the King you have made me to be.

I am in charge !!!!

I live a life of absolute mastery, a life devoid of worries. My faith is unperturbed by prevailing physical evidences. The calmness of God is at work in me, His peace that surpasses human reasoning garrisons my heart and calms my mind. I am unruffled, because I know and trust Him whom I have believed.

Nothing gets me jittery, I refuse to panic, I am always in control. I can change anything, because I have the greater one living in my spirit. No matter what happens, I  choose to be in charge, therefore I speak words that are consistent with what and who I  believe in.

I recognize  no obstacles, i recognize no mountains. All I see and choose to see is what I can do and cause into reality with the power of my words. I refuse to fear, rather I trust in the ability of the Most High God.

Nothing is impossible to me, irrespective of what happens, I ‘m always cool, calm and collected. Therefore, I live victoriously over all distracting elements of this world.

 Whatsoever is born of God Himself, is far superior to the world and its systems. I hail from God, I am His very offspring, I carry His vital genes in my spirit, I am a god on the earth, therefore the world is beneath me, for out of my spirit stems forth the very essence of divinity. For this reason…..I stay in charge.

My Place in God

Seated with Him in the heavens, far above every rule, principality and power. Glorified according to His purpose, approved and accepted in His Love. Surrounded by His grace, tattooed in His palms, my walls continually before Him.

I dwell in the throne room, reigning with Him in His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light, where His Word is Law and Light to all men that receive Him. My place in God, is in Him, for in Him I live, move and have my being. My place is in Christ, My place is in Zion, the city of the Monarch of the Universe, my place is in Him whom I am joined to as one Spirit, one unique being, my place is in God, the Father of Light.

The Realm Of Love

The realm of Love is the realm of absolute reality and knowledge, it’s a realm of complete awareness, where the object of love in question is not a surprise to you. It is a realm where your talk is the language of God, the language of the third heaven. At this realm of life, you live beyond the realms of hope, even your future is in your past, just the way God Himself sees it.

With Love you are at home with yourself, complete and whole. There you experience peace as a river, dispelling fear and every form of insecurity.

Love is so secure,so perfect,it can boldly say:”I KNOW WHO I AM”, Its kind gentle,patient,understanding,devoid of Jealousy,it always gives another chance even when it’s so sure I’ll do it again. It chooses to  trust and believe the best in spite of glaring inadequacies.With lov, you don’t come as a rude surprise,it understands before you explain that you are you. It allows you be yourself,make your wilful mistakes and still tells you: “sweetheart I love you anyhow”.

Much more than poetry

I  am a watered garden, a spring of water that never fails. The Lord has made me to ride upon the high places of the earth, He feeds me daily with the heritage of Jacob. I am the light that Kings run to. The abundance of the sea has been converted to me, for God has glorified me. The Lord has left opened my gates continually (day and night) for blessings to pour in.

I am the city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel. He has made me an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations. I am a priest of the Lord, a minister of our God. I am planted in His court, therefore I flourish in His House. For He has clothed me in the garment of Salvation and the robe of righteousness, I am the seed of the blessed of the Lord…Halleluyah!!