The Realm Of Love

The realm of Love is the realm of absolute reality and knowledge, it’s a realm of complete awareness, where the object of love in question is not a surprise to you. It is a realm where your talk is the language of God, the language of the third heaven. At this realm of life, you live beyond the realms of hope, even your future is in your past, just the way God Himself sees it.

With Love you are at home with yourself, complete and whole. There you experience peace as a river, dispelling fear and every form of insecurity.

Love is so secure,so perfect,it can boldly say:”I KNOW WHO I AM”, Its kind gentle,patient,understanding,devoid of Jealousy,it always gives another chance even when it’s so sure I’ll do it again. It chooses to  trust and believe the best in spite of glaring inadequacies.With lov, you don’t come as a rude surprise,it understands before you explain that you are you. It allows you be yourself,make your wilful mistakes and still tells you: “sweetheart I love you anyhow”.

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